Раскройте скобки и поставте глоглы Past Simple или ed 1.At 80'clock she___(GO)to the kitchen. 2.And____(cook)breakfast for her stepmother and sisters. 3.Santa Claus___(be) very busy in December. 4.The he ___(give)bread to his ...

Раскройте скобки и поставте глоглы Past Simple или ed 1.At 80'clock she___(GO)to the kitchen. 2.And____(cook)breakfast for her stepmother and sisters. 3.Santa Claus___(be) very busy in December. 4.The he ___(give)bread to his deer Rudolph.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 went 2 cooked 3 was 4 gave
1 At 8 o'clock she went to the kitchen 2  And Cooked Breakfast For her stepmother and sisters 3 Santa Claus Was Very busy in December 4 The He Gave Bread to his deer Rudolph
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