Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Perfect или в Past Simple. Переведите предложения. 1. It’s the most boring film (I / ever / see). 2....

Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Perfect или в Past Simple. Переведите предложения. 1. It’s the most boring film (I / ever / see). 2....Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в Present Perfect или в Past Simple. Переведите предложения. 1. It’s the most boring film (I / ever / see). 2. He (not / be) to his native town for years. 3. They (move) to a new apartment only a few days ago. 4. She (not / have) a high salary when she worked as a nurse. 5. (you / read) any interesting books lately? 6. (he / study) well when he was a student?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. It’s the most boring film I have ever seen​. 2. He hasn't been to his native town for years. 3. They moved to a new apartment only a few days ago. 4. She didn't have a high salary when she worked as a nurse. 5. Have you read any interesting books lately? 6. Did he study well when he was a student?
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