Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple. We … (go) roller-skating last Saturday. Our granny … (bake) meat-pies every weekend. We … (write) an essay tomorrow. I really … (enjoy) the ope...

Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple. We … (go) roller-skating last Saturday. Our granny … (bake) meat-pies every weekend. We … (write) an essay tomorrow. I really … (enjoy) the opera yesterday. Where your husband … (work) five years ago? British people … (prefer) tea to coffee. Tom, you … (meet) me at the railway station next Sunday? Where she usually … (celebrate) her birthdays? … you (have) a big family? Newton … (invent) the telescope in 1668. When … this accident (happen)? I always … (send) Christmas cards to my grandparents. Nina and Nick … (get married) in two weeks. How many books they … (bring) tomorrow? Stanley … (have) two sons and a daughter.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Went,bakes,will write, enjoyed,worked,prefer,will you meet,celebrates,do you have,invented,did happen,send,will get married(не точно), will bring, have
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