Скажите какие жизненно-важные и ключевые проблемы подростки решают в 21 веке. Используйте эти слова.
Скажите какие жизненно-важные и ключевые проблемы подростки решают в 21 веке. Используйте эти слова.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Nowadays, our teenagers are facing with numerous problems and challenges in their lives. In this essay I would like to discuss some of those problems. Let's begin with vital issues which may negatively effect on the younger's life. As a result of pollution and genetic issues they may face with different dangerous diseases like cancer. Another potential threat is AIDS and HIV which are normally caused by unprotected sex. Being healthy is the most important problem the teenagers are facing in the 21st century. In addition to this they are definitely may face wth different everyday problems like excessive amount of information and dangerous technologies. Thus, cyber safety plays vital role for children in 21st century. Lastly, those who live in zones of conflicts may be involved into local wars and terrorism issues and have to withstand those issues.
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