Сочинение на английском языке про детей в 19 веке

Сочинение на английском языке про детей в 19 веке
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На английском Child labor in factories (plants), mining has been common in many industrialized countries in Europe and America in the XIX century. Children worked alongside adults up to 14-18 hours a day (sometimes with 5-6 years of age), with them paying for it is several times less. There there were many restrictive internal regulations, for example, forbidden to look in the window at the workplace (which hung from grates or covers on the windows), to play in the breaks for meals. In Britain, there were more workhouses, where the poor (children and adults) worked forcibly to close the prison conditions. On the most difficult conditions of child labor, he wrote British historian Henry Dzhibbings (Eng.) In the book "Industrial History of England". [4] One of the first attention to the problem of child labor in Britain drew the famous reformer Robert Owen - in 1816 he acted on this in Parliament. Since the end of the XVIII century, and during the XIX future of craft apprentices ( "British slaves," as the writer called them) are usually recruited in workhouses, and when they fall into the "doctrine" in urban factories, do not receive any salary, clothes. Hours of work were limited to only complete exhaustion after the use of various coercive methods to continue working (for example, after beating overseers). Children often worked up to 16 hours, sometimes at night, and on Sunday a clean machine. They fed their very cheap and bad food that was often also to feed the pigs. They slept on dirty beds alternately. Some tried to escape from the factory, and to alert the flight, suspected of this intention children shackle: they worked and slept in chains. Subjected to the same treatment, and young women. Many, unable to withstand overwork, died, and was buried at night in some wild place, so that people could not know the extent of this "slavery". Some kill themselves Рада была помочь!
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