Составить рассказ о своей комнате, описать какая мебель стоит в ней
Составить рассказ о своей комнате, описать какая мебель стоит в ней
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
My room. I love my room because its beautiful and well-designed. There is big enough space for many objects. A bed, wardrobe, mirror and the table. My dad is also gonna place a computer in my room and I'm very happy. I like buying stickers, frames and decorations for my room, because everyone wants their room to be perfect the way they like. From the window, I can see the city which is so amazing. I also have a shelf which contains many kinds of books of my interests, I love reading them. My room is my peace, my defense and my little home.
This is my room. It is light and clean. The table is in front the window. Four chairs are near the table. My friends like sitting and playing table games there.
The bed is near the wall on the right. The TV is near the wall to the left. I can sit on the bed and watch TV there.
The bookshelf is on the wall above the table.
I like my room very much.
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