Составьте предложения в present perfect 1.has/peter/finished/his homework/just 2.never/we/been/to the zoo/have 3.i/received/five letters/have/already 4. yet/the dinner/have/had/we/not. 5 masha/misha/seen/has/already поставьте в...

Составьте предложения в present perfect 1.has/peter/finished/his homework/just 2.never/we/been/to the zoo/have 3.i/received/five letters/have/already 4. yet/the dinner/have/had/we/not. 5 masha/misha/seen/has/already поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам 1 smb has opened the door (спец) 2 he hasn't done his homework, because he was ill (спец) 3 i have never been to parish (общ) 4 they have eaten 5 bananes (к подлеж) 5 we have gone to the party (разделит) раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в past simple или past perfect 1 the teacher (to understand) that lena (not to do) her homework 2 when i (to wake) up yesterday father already (to go) to work 3 kate (to give) me the book which she (to buy) the day before 4 mary (to tell) us that she (to cook) a good dinner 5 when i (to come) home mother already (to cook) dinner составьте наречия с помощью суффикса - ly bad, stupid, angry , usual , good , loud. переведите  эти восклицательные предложения на англ яз 1 какая девушка! 2 какая ужасная погода! 3 какие умные дети! 4 какой холодный день! раскройте скобки во времени past  perfect 1 the boy was very sorry for what he  (do) 2 my friend ate up all the biscuit we (bake) 3 the teacher corrected the tests we (write) 4 the wind (blow) away the leaves that we (collect) 5 she (throw) away the letteк that she had (write) переведите на англ яз 1 друзья никогда друг друга не подводят 2нам друг с другом весело 3 паша и петя не разговаривают друг с другом
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Peter has just finished his homework. 2. We have never been to the zoo. 3. I have already received five letters. 4. We haven't had the dinner yet. 5. Misha has already seen Masha. ________   1. Who has opened the door? 2. Why hasn't he done his homework? 3. Have you ever been to Paris? 4. Who has eaten 5 bananas? 5. Have you gone to the party?   ________   1. The teacher understood that Lena hadn't done her homework. 2. When I woke up yesterday father had already gone to work. 3. Kate gave me the book which she had bought the day before. 4. Mary told us that she had cooked a good dinner. 5. When I came home mother had already cooked dinner. ________ badly stupidly, angrily usually goodly loudly _________   What a nice girl she is! What an awful weather it is! What clever children they are! What a cold day it is! _________   The boy was very sorry for what he  had done My friend ate up all the biscuit we had baked The teacher corrected the tests we had written The wind had blown away the leaves that we had collected She had thrown away the letters that she had written. _________   Friend are never let down each other. We have fun with each other. Pasha and Petya never talk to each other.
1 Peter has just finished his homework 2 we have never been to the zoo 3 i have already received five letters 4 we haven't had the dinner yet 5 masha has already seen misha What has been opened ? Why hasn't he done his homework? Have i ever been to Paris? Who has eaten 5 bananas? We have gone to the party, haven't we? 1 understood , hadn' done 2 woke up, had already gone 3 gave, had bought 4 told, had cooked 5 came, had cooked Badly Stupedly Angrily Usually Well Loudly 1 what a gerl What bad weather What clever children What a clever day 1 for what he had done 2 we had baked 3 we had written 4 blew, had collected 5 tree, had written 1 friends have never failed each other 2 we have fun with each other 3 pash and pavel don't tolk to each other
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