Spotlight 6. Module 5. Check. ВАРИАНТ -3 A. Choose do or make to complete the sentences 1. I need to _______ my homework. 2. I can't _____ cookies for the party. 3. On Saturdays we usually ___________ the gardening. 4.  Can I _...

Spotlight 6. Module 5. Check. ВАРИАНТ -3 A. Choose do or make to complete the sentences 1. I need to _______ my homework. 2. I can't _____ cookies for the party. 3. On Saturdays we usually ___________ the gardening. 4.  Can I ____________ a phone call? 5. You must be quiet. You mustn't ______ a noise. B. Match the words to form collocations. 6. Make 7. Clean 8. Join 9. Toffee 10. Have 11. Put 12. Take 13. Perform 14. Pull a) apple b) a meal c) a speech d) over e) up f) in g) in order h) tricks i) place C. Choose the correct item. 15. Can we decorate/have the house? 16. Let`s exchange/spend gifts now! 17. Diwali is/lasts five days. 18. This party is absolutely/well brilliant! 19. Thanks for your being/listening. 20. That looks like a fun game. Can I join/run in? D. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Continuous form. 21. I (write) ___________ this e-mail to let you know that we 22. (have) _____ a great time in Florida. 23. I (work) __________________ very hard at the moment. 24. (you/ take) any holidays in July? 25. John _______________ (not/run) in the street. 26. My mum and her friends ___________ (drink) coffee? E. Correct the mistakes: 27. We eating a lot of sweets at the moment. ....................... 28. He is drive a car at present. ............................................ 29. My friends are plant a tree in the park. ........................... 30. I is meeting my cousin on Monday. ............................... 31. They are read not an interesting article. ................................ F. Write questions and short answers. 1. 32. you / write / a test? Q: ____________ A: Yes, ________ 33. two dogs / play / in your school? Q: _______________ A: No, ___________ 34. Maria / get up / now? Q: _______________ A: No, ___________ 35. your friends / sit / on their chairs? Q: __________________ A: Yes, ______________ G. Match the responses to the questions. 36. What is her house like? 37. What do you think of games? 38. Do you like a present? 39. Who is this girl? 40. Shall we meet at 7? a) Not bad at all. I like pin the tail on the donkey. b) My classmate. c) Nothing special. It`s old and it`s got only one room. d) Sure. How about going to the restaurant then? e) It`s awful! And I don`t really like it! Ребята,я прощу помогите!!ХОтя бы,что можете.Мне надо срочно здать через 2 часа задание.Умоляю!!!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
. соответствующие ответы на вопросы. 36. Какой у нее дом?37. Что вы думаете об играх?38. Тебе нравится подарок?39. Кто эта девушка?40. Мы встретимся в 7?а) совсем не плохо. Я, как прикрепить хвост на осла.б) мой одноклассник.с) ничего особенного. Он старый и у него только одна комната.д) конечно. Как насчет сходить в ресторан тогда?е) это ужасно! И мне не очень нравится!Р\
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