Срочно нужно записать в present simple и present continious. 1.A:How often (you/hang out)with your friends? B:Every weekend.We usually (go) to the mall or (watch) a film. 2. A:How (Pete/spend) his free time? B:He (surf) the Net...

Срочно нужно записать в present simple и present continious. 1.A:How often (you/hang out)with your friends? B:Every weekend.We usually (go) to the mall or (watch) a film. 2. A:How (Pete/spend) his free time? B:He (surf) the Net or (read) comics. 3. A:What (you/do)now? B: I (paint) my model aeroplane. 4. A:Where (Jane/be)? B:She (prepare)her dag.She (go) UFO hunting. 5. A: (you/come)to the show tonight? B:No.I (meet) Brain for dinner.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.How often do you hang out with your friends? Every weekend.We usually go to the mall or watch a film. 2.How does Pete spend his free time? He surfs the Net or reads comics. 3.What are you doing now? I am painting my model aeroplane. 4.Where are Jane? She is preparing her dag.She is going UFO hunting. 5.Тут не Present Simple и не Present Continious
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