Срочно!!! Слова в скобках поставить либо V2 либо изменить. Usually Julia (read) stories about animals. Frank often (get) to school by bus. Thay always (make) a vegetable salad for dinner. Sometimes Mr Harris (feel) bad at night...

Срочно!!! Слова в скобках поставить либо V2 либо изменить. Usually Julia (read) stories about animals. Frank often (get) to school by bus. Thay always (make) a vegetable salad for dinner. Sometimes Mr Harris (feel) bad at night. Last week she (read) fanny stories. Yesterday morning he (get) to school by tram. Yesterday afternoon they (make) a fruit salad for dinner. Last night he (feel) very well.
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reads gets make feels read got made felt
has read has got или has go has made has felt read got made felt
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