Test 4 1 variant Choose the right variant. He hasn’t come … . a) already b) yet c) ever They had to run, … ? a) hadn’t they b) had they c) didn’t they I have a lot of sandwiches, but I have very … cakes. a) little b) few c) ...

Test 4 1 variant Choose the right variant. He hasn’t come … . a) already b) yet c) ever They had to run, … ? a) hadn’t they b) had they c) didn’t they I have a lot of sandwiches, but I have very … cakes. a) little b) few c) many You … cross the road here. It’s dangerous. a) mustn’t b) don’t have to c) may not Let’s do it on Sunday. We have very … time today. a) little b) few c) much What … dirty clothes! a) a b) the c) - Open the brackets. Use Present Perfect and Past Simple: You (never\tell) me about this holiday. How many words … you (learn) yesterday? He (to be) here since 2001. I (know) him for 2 years. … you (yet\visit) the museum? When …you (see) a kangaroo? Choose the right variant: He bought (much\many\ a lot of) fruit. He didn’t (tell\say) me about it. There is (little\few) cheese. Have we got (much\many\ a lot of) juice for the children? She has lived here (since\for) 1997. When (have you washed\ did you wash) your (hair\hairs)? Translate into English : Я никогда не видел(а) индейку. Осень – сезон урожая (урожайный сезон). Я прочитал интересную книгу о важном открытии 2 месяца назад. Он любит смотреть художественные фильмы. Писатель создал чудесных персонажей в своей (его) книге. Кристофер Колумб родился в Италии. Is it true or false (correct the sentence)? Thanksgiving Day is a British holiday. Columbus discovered India. Native Americans believed in many gods. There were no women in the “Mayflower”. Columbus was born in Spain. There were 13 colonies in America in 1733. 6.1.Make adjectives: Use, colour, peace, beauty, danger, interest, friend, success, comfort. 6.2.Make nouns: Discover (2), milk, collect (2), post, perform (2), translate, travel, depend, sail, sea.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
b,a,b,a,a,a you have never told me about this holiday. how many words did you learn yesterday? he hasn't been here since 2001. I have known him for 2 years. have you visited the museum yet? when did you see a kangaroo? a lot of,tell,little,much,since,did you wash hair I have never seen a turkey. Autumn is a plenteous season. I read a very interesting book about an important invention 2 months ago. He likes watching feature films. A writer has created wonderful characters in his book. Christopher Columbus was born in Italy 6.1 useful, colourful, peaceful, dangerous, interesting, friendly, successful, comfortable
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