Твір з англійської мови на тему "Мій улюблений супер герой" (для дівчинки)
Твір з англійської мови на тему "Мій улюблений супер герой" (для дівчинки)
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
My lovely superhero is Deadpool. Why ? Because he's looks pretty god, always gentl, and wear in red. Red is my favorite color. Let me tell a little more about that hero. At first he very tragical person, he got cancer and this is sooo sad.Cancer killing him(and /b also). But he trying resist his disase. Looking for cure he agreed for dangerous experiment in illigal lab. Bad professor Heisenberg inject blue meth direct in his vein, and he starting mutate in junk. And that the way how he get regeneratoin ability. And super ability, Super-Cock. So I love him exactly for his Super abilyty. Nothing else didnt metter. I came.
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