Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски в рассказе необходимыми артиклями. Предложения переведите. Например: She is … doctor. She is a doctor (Она врач) My brother Peter is from … Kursk. He is … young doctor. He has got … family. He h...

Упражнение 1. Заполните пропуски в рассказе необходимыми артиклями. Предложения переведите. Например: She is … doctor. She is a doctor (Она врач) My brother Peter is from … Kursk. He is … young doctor. He has got … family. He has got … wife and two children. His wife Helen is … teacher. She hasn’t got … mother, but she has got … father. Her father is … engineer. Their children are … pupils. Their names are … Kate and … Alex. They are … good pupils.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
my brother Peter is from Kursk.He is young doctor.He has got a family.He has got wife and two children.His wife Helen is a teacher.She hasn't got a mother,but she has got a father.Her father is an engineer.Their children are pupils.Their names are Kate and Alex.They are good pupils.
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