Упражнение 15. Впиши местоимения some, any, no. • Are there…mistakes in my dictation? • There are … letters for you on the table. • Do you want… juice? I have … in the fridge. • There is … coffee in the cup: the cup is empt...

Упражнение 15. Впиши местоимения some, any, no. • Are there…mistakes in my dictation? • There are … letters for you on the table. • Do you want… juice? I have … in the fridge. • There is … coffee in the cup: the cup is empty. • There is … ink in my pen; I cannot write. • I haven’t got … pencils. Give me …, please. • There is … snow in the street. It is summer. • There is … soap in the box, but it smells of … soap. • My mother doesn’t like …jazz music. • Will there be…concert on Monday?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
• Are there any…mistakes in my dictation? • There are some letters for you on the table. • Do you want…some juice? I have some… in the fridge. • There is no… coffee in the cup: the cup is empty. • There is no… ink in my pen; I cannot write. • I haven’t got any… pencils. Give me some…, please. • There is no… snow in the street. It is summer. • There is no… soap in the box, but it smells of soap. • My mother doesn’t like jazz music. • Will there beno…concert on Monday?
Думаю, что так... • ...any… •... some... • …some...? ....some… • .... no… • .....no… • ...any… . some…,... • .... no….. • ...no… • My mother doesn’t like jazz music... • ....no…
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