Упражнение 5. Make up negative sentences in Present Progressive. the sofa / Sam / is / on / not / sitting. Are / playing / not / the cats. cooking / Mother / not / my / is Reading / friends / her / are / not Упражнение 6. Make ...

Упражнение 5. Make up negative sentences in Present Progressive. the sofa / Sam / is / on / not / sitting. Are / playing / not / the cats. cooking / Mother / not / my / is Reading / friends / her / are / not Упражнение 6. Make up questions.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
San isn't sitting on the sofa The cats aren't playing My mother isn't cooking Her friends aren't reading
Sam is not sitting on the sofa Are the cats not playing My mother is not cooking Her friends are not reading
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