Вставь артикль. 1.Are you going to call ... police. 2.There are ... lot of ... small towns in ... North of ... Russia. 3. ... Hyde Park is one of ... biggest parks in ... London. 4.Is it ... main idea of ... new film. 5.Is ther...

Вставь артикль. 1.Are you going to call ... police. 2.There are ... lot of ... small towns in ... North of ... Russia. 3. ... Hyde Park is one of ... biggest parks in ... London. 4.Is it ... main idea of ... new film. 5.Is there .... theatre in ... Green Street? 6.Where is ... Royal Opera House? -I have ... no idea. 7. ... Covent Garden is one of ... best theatres in ... world. И переведите предложения. Кто первый тот лучший ответ! Быстро!
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1. the 2. a 3. the 4. a 5. a 6. a 7. the
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