Вставь необходимые по смыслу слова. Слова даны ниже. I Think I'm Your Mother Joyce is 24 years old. She has a baby daughter, but she can't take (1) ____ of her baby. The government takes Joyce's baby and gives her to (2...

Вставь необходимые по смыслу слова. Слова даны ниже. I Think I'm Your Mother Joyce is 24 years old. She has a baby daughter, but she can't take (1) ____ of her baby. The government takes Joyce's baby and gives her to (2) ____ family. Joyce never forgets her daughter. For 20 years Joyce looks (3) ___her. She can't find her. She doesn't know her daughter's new name. She doesn't know her daughter's (4) _. When Joyce is 44 years old, she gets a (5) at a small store. A young woman works with Joyce at the store. The young woman's name is Tammy. Tammy and Joyce are friends. One day: at work Tammy begins to cry. "What's the matter?" Joyce asks Tammy. “I feel so (6) ______," Tammy says. "I'm looking for my mother and I can't find her." "I don't understand," Joyce says. "I know your mother. She comes into the store (7) ___." "Yes, she's my mother, but she's not my birth mother. I can't find my birth mother because I don't have her name or address. I have (8)___ this photo. See? This is me when I was a baby." Tammy shows Joyce the photo. Joyce looks at the photo for a long time. Then she opens her (9) _______ and takes out a photo. It is a photo of a baby girl. Joyce's photo and Tammy's photo are the (10)____. "Tammy," Joyce says. "I think I'm your birth mother." The two women (11) ___for a long time. "This is the best day of my life," Tammy says. Joyce smiles and looks at Tammy. "This is the best day of my life, (12)___," she says. l. A love В care С kindness D attention 2. A other В an other С others P another 3. A for В forward С after D through 4. A school В country С address D character 5. A place В work С department D job 6. A sad В excited C bored D thirsty 7. A never В yesterday С Sometimes D tomorrow 8. A already B only C just D always 9. A wallet В safe С cupboard D jar 10. A some В different С difficult D same 11. A scream B wave С hug D shake 12. A yet В also С however D too
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.care 2.another 3.for 4.address 5.job 6.sad 7.sometimes 8.only 9.wallet 10.same 11.hug 12.too
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