Вставь в предложения пропущенные слова. size, much, on, here, how. 1.I wear a ...... M. 2.Please try this dress ....... It is very nice. 3.May I see this book?- ....... you are. 4.How ....... is the skirt? 5. ....... can I help...

Вставь в предложения пропущенные слова. size, much, on, here, how. 1.I wear a ...... M. 2.Please try this dress ....... It is very nice. 3.May I see this book?- ....... you are. 4.How ....... is the skirt? 5. ....... can I help you?
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.size 2.on 3.here 4. much 5.how
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