Вставте a, an, the. 1) She is ... nurse 2) Do you known ... Browns? 3) Last year...Jill visited...Africa and...Russia 4) Have you ever been to ... Westminster Abbey? 5) ...Washington is...capital of ...USA 6) ...Agatha Chti...

Вставте a, an, the. 1) She is ... nurse 2) Do you known ... Browns? 3) Last year...Jill visited...Africa and...Russia 4) Have you ever been to ... Westminster Abbey? 5) ...Washington is...capital of ...USA 6) ...Agatha Chtistie is famous for her detective stories.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) She is a nurse 2) Do you known the Browns? 3) Last year Jill visited Africa and Russia. 4) Have you ever been to Westminster Abbey? 5) Washington is the capital of the USA. 6) Agatha Chtistie is famous for her detective stories.
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