Вставьте a, an, the, some там, где это необходимо. 9. … government officials have carried out … inspection of … plant. 10. … main aim of … training is … accident prevention. 11. … painters often use hot air guns to burn off … o...

Вставьте a, an, the, some там, где это необходимо. 9. … government officials have carried out … inspection of … plant. 10. … main aim of … training is … accident prevention. 11. … painters often use hot air guns to burn off … old paint. 12. During icy weather … pavement at … side of … road may become slippery. 13. … drinking water for … local population comes from … reservoir in … mountains. 14. … scientists are carrying out study of … different steel alloys. 15. … excavators and power shovels are two types of … equipment used by … miners when they are removing … rocks from … ground.
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