Вставьте артикль A / THE, где необходимо: 1) I` d like to have ….rest 2) …. Baltic Sea is the deepest sea in our country 3) I feel bad. I have … cold 4) We had some bread for … breakfast 5) He goes to work by … bus ...

Вставьте артикль A / THE, где необходимо: 1) I` d like to have ….rest 2) …. Baltic Sea is the deepest sea in our country 3) I feel bad. I have … cold 4) We had some bread for … breakfast 5) He goes to work by … bus 6) Tom, go to …. bed! 7) This is … flower. … flower is very beautiful. 8) What … cold Выберите правильную форму глагола: 1)… you ever ..a film in which a train crashed or a ship sank? a) Did …see b) Have …seen c) Do…see d) Has … seen 2) When I entered the room, my mother … dinner. a) cooked b) was cooking c) have cooked d) is cooking 3) Where ... his parents live? a) is b) do c) does d) are 4) We …take a vacation last month. a) is not b) did not c) will not d) have not 5) My brother …music lesson for 3 years now. a) have taken b) has been taken c) took d) is taken 6) Perhaps in the future men … on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land. a) have live b) would live c) are living d) will live 7) You are a good football-player. Since when … you … football? a) have …been playing b) did … play c) had…been playing d) will… play 8) – Has Ann made up her mind on what to do after finishing school? She … the University. a) is entering b) enters c) is going to enter d) entered
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1) a rest 2)The  3) a  4) -
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