Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.   1. My sister’s son is … school-boy. He studies at … school at … ninth form. He is … good pupil. He leaves … home for … school at … half past seven. 2. This … young woman is … engineer. She wo...

Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.   1. My sister’s son is … school-boy. He studies at … school at … ninth form. He is … good pupil. He leaves … home for … school at … half past seven. 2. This … young woman is … engineer. She works at …factory. She usually has … lot of work. Every morning she takes her … daughter to … school. 3. That man has two children. … first child was born 5 years ago and … second was born … last year.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.А ,-,-,а,-,-,a. 2.-,an,the,a,-,-. 3.The,the,-.
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