Вставьте нужный артикль: 1) It is … very small room. 2) Is it … pen or … pencil? 3) Our friends are … engineers. They are at … office. 4) Don’t open …bag, please. 5) This is … cup. It is … green cup. … red cup is on the table.

Вставьте нужный артикль: 1) It is … very small room. 2) Is it … pen or … pencil? 3) Our friends are … engineers. They are at … office. 4) Don’t open …bag, please. 5) This is … cup. It is … green cup. … red cup is on the table.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1) a very small room 2)is it a pan or a pencil? 3)...friends are engeneers ( ничего не вставляем). ... at the office. 4) don't open the bag,please. 5) this is a cup. it is the green cup. a red cup is on the table.
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