Вставьте пожалуйста в пропуски то, чего не хватает) Перевод писать не надо. 6 класс афанасьева михеева unit 17 ex 21Complete these sentences. 1. The US Constitution was written ......... . 2................. is Commander in Chi...
Вставьте пожалуйста в пропуски то, чего не хватает) Перевод писать не надо. 6 класс афанасьева михеева unit 17 ex 21
Complete these sentences.
1. The US Constitution was written ......... . 2................. is Commander in Chief. 3. The judges work in the Supreme Court ............... . 4. The President's term is ....... . 5. There are ....... amendments to the US Constitution. 6. The Bill of Rights guarantees to people of the USA such important rights as............... . 7.................... , the 26th amendment ....... . 8. The second branch of government ........ . 9. The Congress is ............. . 10. The Congress meets ......... . 11. There are ........ senators in the Senate. 12. The number of congressmen fromo each state depends on ........... . 13.................. declare war. 14. The President ..... and then they become laws.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1)in 1787 2)The President 3)as long as they live 4)4 years 5)26
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