Вставьте предлоги: 1. John in content ... suburban life. 2. We were serprised ... the high cost of public transport ... London. 3. I can look ... your baby. 4. It took Tom five minutes to climb the tree. 5. You should not depen...

Вставьте предлоги: 1. John in content ... suburban life. 2. We were serprised ... the high cost of public transport ... London. 3. I can look ... your baby. 4. It took Tom five minutes to climb the tree. 5. You should not depend ... Tom. Плиз помогите!!!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1. Вообще неясное какое-то предложение. Имело бы смысл если бы было: "John is content with (his) suburban life". 2. by, in 3. after 5. on
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