Вставьте (THE) OTHER, (THE) OTHERS, ANOTHER - Shop-assistant: Can I help you? Customer: I'd like to buy some cassettes. What kinds do you have? Shop-assistant: Well, we have two kinds. These play for 60 minutes, and ... play fo...

Вставьте (THE) OTHER, (THE) OTHERS, ANOTHER - Shop-assistant: Can I help you? Customer: I'd like to buy some cassettes. What kinds do you have? Shop-assistant: Well, we have two kinds. These play for 60 minutes, and ... play for 90 minutes. Customer: Don't you have any ... that play for 45 minutes? Shop-assistant: Sorry, but we're out of those at the moment. Customer: Oh, well. I'll take two of the 60-minute ones. Shop-assistant: All right. Customer: Wait a minute. I think I'll get ... one, too. Shop-assistant: So, you want three all together. Customer: Right. By the way, is there ... music store around here? I really do need some 45-minute cassettes. Shop-assistant: Well, there are two ... in the neighbourhood. One is in Bond Street, and ... is in Uxbridge Street. Customer: Thanks.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
Shop-assistant: Can I help you? Customer: I'd like to buy some cassettes. What kinds do you have? Shop-assistant: Well, we have two kinds. These play for 60 minutes, and the others play for 90 minutes. Customer: Don't you have any others that play for 45 minutes? Shop-assistant: Sorry, but we're out of those at the moment. Customer: Oh, well. I'll take two of the 60-minute ones. Shop-assistant: All right. Customer: Wait a minute. I think I'll get another one, too. Shop-assistant: So, you want three all together. Customer: Right. By the way, is there other music store around here? I really do need some 45-minute cassettes. Shop-assistant: Well, there are two others in the neighbourhood. One is in Bond Street, and another is in Uxbridge Street. Customer: Thanks.
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