Write down the text, use the indefinite article where necessary :1 Last Monday I was given... present. It was... black puppy. I wanted to give him... name, but Mum said he was too small yet to have... name. She said we'll think...

Write down the text, use the indefinite article where necessary :1 Last Monday I was given... present. It was... black puppy. I wanted to give him... name, but Mum said he was too small yet to have... name. She said we'll think of... good name for him later. 2 Yesterday John painted... picture. John is... seven-year-old boy. He is… student of Hill School. Hill School is… old school. They teach… future painters there. John is... good student. Everybody says he will make... good painter
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1 Last Monday I was given.a.. present. It was.a.. black puppy. I wanted to give him a.. name, but Mum said he was too small yet to have.a.. name. She said we'll think of..a. good name for him later. 2 Yesterday John painted..a. picture. John is..a. seven-year-old boy. He is  a… student of Hill School. Hill School is an… old school. They teach… future painters there. John is.a.. good student. Everybody says he will make.a.. good painter
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