Write what you have to do and what you don't have to do at home. To help a lot at home. To help with the cooking/shopping. To make the bed. To tidy the room. To wash the dishes. To go to the supermarket. To take the rubbish o...
Write what you have to do and what you don't have to do at home.
To help a lot at home.
To help with the cooking/shopping.
To make the bed.
To tidy the room.
To wash the dishes.
To go to the supermarket.
To take the rubbish out.
To feed the cat\dog\hamster.
To take the doq\cat for a walk.
To weed the garden.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
I have to help a lot at home:
I have to help with the cooking. I have to make the bed. I have to tidy my room. I have to wash the dishes./I have to feed the dog (cat/hamster/parrot). I have to take the dog for a walk./ Если нет домашних животных, предложения в скобках /.../ можно упустить.
I don't have with the shopping. I don't have to go to the supermarket. I don't have to take the rubbish out. I don't have to weed the garden.
Я должна (должен) делать дома много работы:
Я должна помогать готовить. Я должна застилать кровать. Я должна убирать свою комнату. Я должна мыть посуду. /Я должна кормить собаку (кошку/хомяка/попугая). Я должна водить собаку на прогулку./
У не должна совершать покупки. Мне не нужно ходить в супермаркет. Я не должна выносить мусор. Я не должна полоть огород.
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