Задание 2. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.1. …Russia occupies … eastern half of … Europe and … northern third of … Asia. 2. … climate of … northern part of … Russia is severe.3. It is warm in … Crimea and … Caucasus.4. … best...

Задание 2. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. …Russia occupies … eastern half of … Europe and … northern third of … Asia. 2. … climate of … northern part of … Russia is severe. 3. It is warm in … Crimea and … Caucasus. 4. … best way to know and understand … people of … other countries is to meet them in their own homes. 5. … Washington is … capital of … United States of America. 6. There are seven continents on … Earth. 7. I get up at … quarter past seven in …morning and go to … bed at eleven in … evening. 8. What do you do when you come … home from … school? 9. … weather was very bad in … morning yesterday. … sky was grey and it was raining. 10. Today is … ninth of … September. Ann has her … birthday. She is planning to have … nice party with her … friends.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
как-то так... 1. Russia occupies the eastern half of Europe and the northern third of Asia. 2. The climate of the north-ern part of Russia is severe. 3. This winter is a true Russian winter with hard frosts. 4. It iswarm in the Crimea and the Caucasus. 5. Washington is the capital of the United States of Amer- ica. 6. I want to go to New York some day. 7. The best way to know and understand the people of other countries is to meet them in their own homes. 8. Is Australia an island or a continent? 9. The Red Sea is between Africa and Asia. 10. There are six continents in the world. 11. France is to the north of Italy.
7. I get up quarter past seven in the morning and go to bed at eleven in the evening. 8 what do you do when u come home from school 9 the weather was very bad in the morning yesterday. The sky was very grey and it was raining. 10. Today is ninth of September.ann has her birthday. She is planning to have a nice party with her friend
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