Задание номер 7. Сделать по примеру номер 6 . Составить 8 предложений.

Задание номер 7. Сделать по примеру номер 6 . Составить 8 предложений.
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1: Hi! How are you? 2: Hi! I'm not sure but I think I have some problems. 1: What's wrong? 2: I didn't understand last Maths unit. What do you think I should do? 1: If I were you I would ask my dad to help me. 2: It's pitty but my dad not good at Maths at all. What's your another advice? Should I ask my teacher? I so scary... 1: I think you should. It's the best way to fill the gap in you knowledge. Have you thought about more time for your Maths' homework? 2: It is great idea but I am not sure I have enough time. You know I study at music school also. 1: You could ask for help someone of your classmates. 2: You are my best friend! Could you help me?
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