Задания:look read and answer Last night Kate and her best friend,Jennifer,stayed at home and watched a funny film on TV.The film finished at 10 o'clock.The girls were hungry,so they cooked a pizza for supper.Then,they listened ...

Задания:look read and answer Last night Kate and her best friend,Jennifer,stayed at home and watched a funny film on TV.The film finished at 10 o'clock.The girls were hungry,so they cooked a pizza for supper.Then,they listened to their favourite CDs.It was a wonderful evening! e.g. Who is Kate's best friend? (Jennifer) 1What did the girls watch on TV? 2 What time did the film finish? 3What did they cook? 4What did they do alter supper? Пожалуйста помогите срочно! Дайте правильный понятный точный ответ!
Ответ(ы) на вопрос:
1.-фильм- funny film on TV. 2.-в 10 часов-at 10 o'clock. 3.-пиццу-they cooked a pizza  4.-вечер-It was a wonderful evening!
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