Английский язык

Помогите,пожалуйста!!! Срочно!Выберите правильную форму пассивного залога. 1. How many doors ____ yesterday? а.had painted b. were painted c. are painted d. painted 2. His new book ___ in every book shop in the town. а. is sold b. sold c. sell d. were sold 3.The students ____ everything they need for their future profession. а.teach b. was taught c. taught d. are taught 4.The Arabic language ___ in Turkey. а.not spoken b. don’t spoken c. isn’t spoken d. don’t speak Выберите нужную форму глагола to be. 5. It ____ very cold yesterday. а.is b. was c. were d. will be 6. It ____ cold today. а.is b. are c. will be d. was 7.You ____ nine years old. а.am b. Is c. are d. will 8.We ____ very late for the concert yesterday. а. was b. will c. is d. were 9.My grandmother ____ a teacher. а.Am b. Is c. are d. will 10.They ___ pupils in 1990. а.are b. were c. will be d. was Употребите нужный артикль 11. He hasn’t got ____ car. а. a b. - c. the d. an 12 Moscow is situated on ___ Moscow River. а. the b. an c. a d. – 13. Several rivers run into the sea at ___ New York. а. the b. - c. an d. a 14.___ Altai Mountains are higher than ____ Urals. а. the, the b. -, the c. -, - d. a, the 15. Could you give me ___ piece of cake? а.the b. a c. an d. - 16. I like to go for a walk in ____ morning. a.- b. an c. a d. the 17. My friend has ___ very good computer. а. a b. the c. - d. an 18. She gave me ___ interesting book to read. а.The b. a c. an d. - Выберите правильный вариант местоимения 19.There are too _________ violent films on TV. а.little b. much c. a little d. many 20. There are ___ fruit on the table. а. any b. some c. little d. many 21.Do you have ___ milk in your fridge? а. some b. any c. many d. few 22. He has got ___ friends. а.little b. a little c. much d. many 23. There are ___ meat in the fridge. а. many b. much c. few d. a few Выберите правильный вариант предлога. 24. I like to go for a walk ____ the morning. a.in b. at c. on d. to 25. They will come ____ the evening. а. in b. on c. at d. to 26. How much did you pay ____ the book? а. for b. by c. to d. at 27. I usually get up ___ eight. а. in b. on c. at d. under 28. What would you like ____ dinner? а. at b. on c. for d. to 29. Put the vase ____ the table. а. on b. into c. in d. at 30. This is the letter ____ my father. а. on b. into c. from d. behind 31. They came ___ Saturday morning. а. on b. in c. at d. for
Здравствуйте. Нужно составить 5 вопросов по тексту: 1. Общий. 2. Специальный. 3. Альтернативный. 4. Разделительный. 5. Вопрос к подлежащему. Кока-кола это, наверное, самый известный в мире вкус, и был первым поистине глобальным брендом. Доктор Джон Смит Пембертон, фармацевт из Атланты, Джорджии, изобрел напиток. Он смешал сироп Кока-Колы, который был в сочетании с газированной водой, чтобы создать популярный газированный напиток, в местной аптеке Джейкоба(Иакова). Первые покупатели, кто заплатил красивые(?) 5 центов за стакан, выражались о напитке, как "отличный", "вкусный и освежающий". Партнер и бухгалтер Доктора Пембертона, Фрэнк М. Робинсон, предложил необычное имя для продукта и записал его своим витиеватым почерком, чувствуя, что "Две К будут отлично смотреться в рекламе". Первая реклама напитка появилась в Журнале Атланта, и расписанные клеенкой знаки указывали какой сатуратор(?) предложил продукт. Это было лишь первым шагом в фантастическом сотрудничестве между брендом и рекламой, который сделал марку всемирно признанной. Непрерывный поток лозунгов вошел в коллективное сознание, от "Пейте Кока-Кола" в 1886, культовой "Я хотел бы научить мир петь" ТВ-рекламы 1971го, вплоть до простого утверждения «Реальность» (Настоящий) сегодняшней кампании. Заранее СПАСИБО))
Употребите нужное местоимение (Агабекян , стр.24) 16. He’s got a calculator. It’s _______ calculator. a. his b. him c. he d. her 17. Mr Smith wanted to talk to … after classes. а. I b. me c. his d. he 18. My elder sister and … decided to visit this museum. а.I b. me c. she d. they 19. I don’t know why Ted hasn’t invited … to … birthday party. а.she, him b. her, his c. her, him d. I, me 20. My parents were very glad to meet … . а.he b. him c. they d. I 21. He ask me to compare … texts. а.this b. that c. these d. him 22.Whose money is this? - It’s … . а.my b. his c. mine d. she 23.Do you know who … people are? а.those b. that c. this d. they 24.___ men destroyed our garage. а.this b. these c. that d. my Употребите нужную форму глагола (Агабекян,106-113, Голубев,68 – 74, 80 упр.13) 25. Paula Fairfax ____ in America. а.live b. are living c. lives d. is living 26. .____ he play volleyball well? а.does b. do c. did d. go  27. She always _____ to the South with her family. а.goes b. go c. will go d. went 28. She ___ reading the book now. а. is b. are c. will d. am 29. They ____ listening to the music the whole evening yesterday. а.was b. were c. are d. am   30. Yesterday we _____ football. а.plays b. play c. played d. playing 31. When I phoned she ___ a bath. a. had b. was having c. was have d. has 32. Tomorrow he _____ to the cinema with his girlfriend. а. go b. goes c. will go d. well 33. I ____ phone you next Friday. a. did b. will c. does d. Have 34. We ___ go to the cinema tomorrow. a. goes b. went c. is going d. will Употребите нужный модальный глагол  35.____ swim in cold water? а. can you b. you must c. must you d. you can 36.___ come in now? а.I must b. may I c. must I to d. I may 37. She ___ speak English very well. а.cans b. must c. can d. mays 38.___ use the phone, please? а.may I b. must I c. can I to d. may I to 39.You ____ remember to go to the shop. а.must to b. can c. can to d. must 40.___ have this book, please? а. can I b. I can c. I may d. can I to
Помогите! Срочно! Употребите нужную форму имени существительного (Агабекян, стр.47) 1. one tooth – two ____ а. toothes b. teethes c. tooths d. teeth 2. one lady – two ______ a. lady b. ladys c. ladyes d. ladies 3.one play – three ____ a. plays b. payes c. playes d. play 4. one fox – five ____ a. foxs b. foxis c. foxes d. fox 5. one plate – ten ______ a. platis b. plates c. plats d. plateses 6. one child – three ______ a. childs b. childes c. childrens d. children Употребите нужную форму имени прилагательного (Агабекян, стр.77) 7. That bike is _______ than that car. a. the cheaper b. cheapest c. cheaper d. cheap 8. This sofa is … than mine (comfortable). a. a comfortable b. comfortabler c. more comfortable 9. Do you know that the Dead sea is ____ sea. a. a salty b. a saltier c. the saltiest 10. This is ___ problem she has ever had. a. а great b. a greater c. the greatest 11. They leave _____ way they can. a. a quick b. a quicker c. the quickest 12. My suitcase is _____than yours. a. heavest b. heavier c. heavyer 13. I think this is ____ place in the world. а.more wonderful b. very wonderful c. the most wonderful d. most wonderful 14. What is _____ book in your library? а. most interesting b. the most interesting c. interesting d. more interesting 15. The water in this river is _____ than in the lake. а. clearer b. clearest c. more clear d. most clear