Английский язык

Прочитайте текст. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 10––17 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 –– True), какие не соответствуют (2 –– False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 –– Not stated). В поле ответа запишите одну цифру, которая соответствует номеру правильного ответа. The Santa Claus Wait Christmas Eve is a special time for children. Every year they wait for their presents from Santa Claus. Magic is everywhere in Tim and Robert’s house which is decorated with greeting cards, candles and lights. The sweet smell of Mum’s homemade cookies also brings to mind the coming wonders. Throughout the month before Christmas Tim and his brother Robert regularly made their beds, set the table and followed their parents’ instructions about the house. As usual, each of them wrote a letter to Santa to ask for a toy. They knew Santa wouldn’t visit naughty children. The same thing happened each year until the brothers were nine. They suddenly began to doubt that Santa could decorate their tree and millions more trees in a single night. It also seemed hard for Santa to deliver all the gifts before daybreak. Besides, they kept asking Dad how Santa could get inside their house without a chimney! Dad usually answered that Santa would surely come, but that the children should be good and go to bed early. So on Christmas Eve, after Mum had checked that there was enough food left for Santa, the boys were sent to bed as usual. Robert was soon asleep, but Tim silently lay in bed, hoping to hear Santa coming. It seemed the longest night of Tim’s life. In the early morning, when the other members of the family were still asleep, Tim bravely went to the living room to check for presents from Santa. When he switched on the light, he cried “Wow! He’s come!” In the room the Christmas tree stood in the middle of a big platform that looked like a small town with a toy railroad. It was unbelievable: a toy wonderland! Tim spent an hour among the toys and then decided to wake up Robert and his parents to see the presents. While running upstairs he saw that the cookies had disappeared. In excitement he went into his parents’ bedroom but didn’t notice that they seemed a little bit more tired than usual. “Mum! Dad! Quick! Robert! It’s fantastic!” he shouted. Everybody went down. Robert immediately saw his new car. It was wonderful. Poor Robert was upset because the car wouldn’t run. Dad said he couldn't understand why the car wouldn't start. The batteries in the car had been absolutely new. He didn’t know Tim had turned on the car and had forgotten about it when he was checking out other gifts earlier. Within that hour the batteries died, in those times they didn't last long. Tim kept silent as he didn’t want to be punished on Christmas Day. Tim was the only child in the family. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Tim got good marks at school before Christmas. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Tim had never believed that Santa existed. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated On Christmas Day, Tim’s father usually dressed up like Santa. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Tim was the first to get up on Christmas Day. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Some tasty things were left for Santa on that Christmas night. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated There were presents for the parents under the Christmas tree. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated Tim told his father that he had damaged the car. 1) True 2) False 3) Not stated
Here is Vicky’s letter to a teenage magazine. I’m writing to say that teen magazines have been criticized rightly for giving teenagers the wrong impression on different problems. I buy two girls’ magazines but I might stop soon. Teen magazines give very strong ideas about what’s “normal”. They are so stereotypical and they don’t let you have an opinion or to be different. Teen magazines make you feel that you should have a certain figure… Sometimes it makes you feel bad about yourself. Why should every girl have exactly the same taste, be exactly the right appearance and size? Real people know they can be themselves and be happy how they are. Why should we follow the standards teen magazine offer? They don’t know anything about teenagers’ lives and fill their pages with gossip on celebrities that nobody really cares about. There is more to life than make-up and clothes. Most of the things in girls’ magazines are just wrong!!! I’m 15 and I don’t feel comfortable reading them!!! They teach us things that we’re too young to know about. Sometimes I am absolutely shocked by the content and by the language. I think that magazines should be written by teenagers not adults because they don’t know what our life is like today. Magazines should give more practical advice on things that can really influence us. They also should give a warning of both – bad language and the wrong content. I would like to read a magazine that meets all the demands (отвечает всем требованиям) but I haven’t found one yet. Vicky, Newcastle 1) Answer the questions. 1. Why are teenage magazines criticized for according to Vicky’s opinion? 2. What do teenage magazines make Vicky feel? 3. Why does Vicky feel uncomfortable reading teens’ magazines? 4. Who should write magazines according to Vicky’s opinion? 5. What information should teens’ magazines give? 6. What teens’ magazines do you read? Why?
Раскройте скобки поставив глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple. 1. How long you (to know) him? - I (to know) him since 1984. He (to live) in Moscow for two years and then (to go) to Siberia. 2. When he (to arrive)? – He (to arrive) at 2 o’clock. 3. I (to read) this book, when I (to be) at school. 4. I can’t go now. I (not to finish) my work. 5. You (to have) dinner yet? 6. The lecture just (to begin). You (to be) a little late. 7. We (to miss) the tram. Now we have to walk. 8. You (to be) here before? – Yes. I (to spend) the last holiday here. 9. You (to see) Kitty on Monday? – No, I (not to see) her this month. 10. Where Tom (to be)? – I (not to know). I (not to see) him since last night. 11. I (to lose) my pen. You (to see) it anywhere? 12. You ever (to try) to give up smoking? – I (to try) several times but failed. 13. Why you (to switch) on the light? It (to be) dark yet. 14. When it (to happen)? – I (to think) last weekend. 15. He (to leave) for the Far East two years ago and I (not to see) him since. 16. The last post (to come). I (to expect) a letter from my cousin. 17. You (to find) the key which you (to lose) yesterday? – Yes. I (to find) in the pocket. 18. I (to see) him in the library this afternoon. 19. I (to make) a mistake, I want to rub it out. 20. Can you give me the textbook? – No, I (to leave) it at home. 21. You (to see) pictures by Picasso? – Yes, I (to see) them not long ago. 22. You (to be) to St. Petersburg? – Yes, I (to be) there last winter. 23. You (to do) the translation? – No, I (not to finish) yet. I (to begin) it 20 minutes ago. 24. When you (to come) to Moscow? – I (to arrive) this morning.