Дипломная работа: Comparative Analysis of the Compound Words

Supervisor: ___________

Gulistan 2008

I. Introduction

1.1 Theme actuality

After the Independence was proclaimed the Republic was faced with the necessity of creating new legislation corresponding with new realities, with the conditions of Independence and the Parliament coped with this task, there have been adopted new Laws and new Resolutions

For the first time in the history of our country, there adopted “The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Education” and “The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the National Programme of Personnel Training System”. The main objective of all reforms in the field of economic policy is the individual. Therefore the task of education, the task of rising up a new generation capable of national renaissance will remain the prerogative of the state and constitute a priority. At present great importance is attached to the study and teaching of foreign language. In our recent past, in most cases the Russian language but not the mother tongue served as mediator in the study of foreign languages. That is why in particular until the present, English-Uzbek and Uzbek-English Dictionaries had not been available.

That’s why it is necessary to learn and compare English, German and Uzbek lexicology, grammar and phonetics.

2. The main goal of the work is to study, compare and analyze the compound words of Uzbek, English and German, to classify the compounds according to morphological and lexical point of view.

3. The scientific decision of set aims and purposes will maintain the easiest way for better learning and understanding Uzbek, English and German.

4. The scientific novelty of the work . As we know, there aren’t enough manuals which compared the Uzbek and the English languages. The novelty of the work is that in the work one can find new approaches of comparing and classifying the compounds.

5 . The practical value

Work can be useful for all who interested in English. At the university information which taken from the work can be used as a ready – materials at the lectures of Lexicology, Stylistics, Comparative Typology.

6. Literature overview

Basic information of the qualification work is given from the manuals, articles, researches of great scholars such as: by I.V. Arnold A Course in modern English Lexicology by R.S. Ginzburg, The English Word and others. The information which is taken from Internet sites, World Book Encyclopedia and many other dictionaries also served as a source of information.

7. The structure of the work

Work consists of Introduction, Main part, Conclusion and the list of used literatures.

Compound words are words consisting of at least two stems which occur in the language as free forms. In a compound word the immediate constituents obtain integrity and structural cohesion that make them function in a sentence as a separate lexical unit.

The structural cohesion and integrity of a compound may depend upon unity of stress, solid or hyphenated spelling, semantic unity, unity of morphological and syntactic functioning or, more often, upon the combined effect of several of these or similar phonetic, graphic, semantic, morphological or syntactic factors.

The integrity of a compound is manifested in its indivisibility, i.e. the impossibility of inserting another word or word group between its elements. If, for example, speaking about a “sunbeam” (English) кўкйўтал we can insert some other word between the article and the article and the noun, e.g. a bright sunbeam, a bright and unexpected sunbeam, because the article a is a separate word, no such insertion is possible between the stems sun & beam қора & кўл, for they are not words but morphemes.

In describing the structure of a compound one should examine three types of relations, namely the relation of the members to each other the relation of the whole to its members, and correlation with equivalent free phrases.

Some compounds are made up ofa determining and a determined part, which may be called the determinant and me determinate group. Thus, a blackboard, томорқа is very different from a blackboard, том орқа (сида). Its essential feature is being a teaching aid → ховли атрофида экин экиладиган Майдон →: not every board of a black color is a blackboard.

A blackboard may be not a board at all but a piece of linoleum or some other suitable material. Its color is not necessarily black: it may be brown or something else. Thus, blackboard → a board which is black. A chatterbox – оташқалб is not a box, it is a person who talks a great deal without saying anything important: the combination is used only figuratively. The same metaphorical character is observed in the compound slowcoach хомсемиз. It is also idiomatic as it does not name a vehicle but a person who acts and thinks slowly. A fuss – pot is a person easily excited and nervous about trifles. Thus for the original motivation of the idiomatic compound could be easily recreated. The following examples illustrate idiomatic compounds where it is not so obvious: “blackleg”, “strike breaker”, “blackmail” getting money or some other profit from a person by threats bluestocking “a woman affecting literary tastes and learning”

The analysis of the semantic relationship existing between the constituents of a compound presents many difficulties. Some authors have attempted a purely logical interpretation distinguishing copulative, existential, spatial and other connections. This scheme, however, failed to show the linguistic essence of compounds and was cumbersome and artificial.

A mistake common with many authors is treating semantic connections within compounds in terms of syntactic relations. Marchand, For instance, when analyzing the type house – keeping, backbiting, housewarming, book – keeping, sightseeing, etc. Writes: “In most cases the first word is the object. A subject/predicate relation underlies earth quaking, cock – crowing, cock – fighting, sun burning …. The first word is the predicate compliment in well – being and short – coming.”

N. G. Guterman very convincingly showed that such syntactic treatment should be avoided because syntactic ties are ties between words, whereas in dealing with compounds one studies relations within a word, the relations between the morphemes, its significant constituents. These two series of relations belong to different levels of abstraction and should not be mixed. In the compound spacecraft space – is not an attribute to – craft. It cannot possess syntactic functions, being not a word but a stem, So it is more convenient to consider it a determinant restricting the meaning of the determinate by expressing the purpose for which – craft – is designed or the medium in which it will travel. Surely, one could combine these two points of view using a more careful. Wording, and formulate it as follows: phrases correlated with compounds by means of transformational analysis may show objective, subject/predicate, attributive and adverbial relations. E.g. house – keeping: to keep house, well – being: to be well. In the majority of cases compounds manifest some restrictive relationship between the constituents; types of restrictions show great variety.

Some examples of determinative compound nouns with restrictive qualitative relations are given below.

The list is not meant to be exhaustive and serves only to illustrate the manifold possibilities.

Purpose of functional relations underlies such compounds as bathrobe, raincoat, ёмғирпўш, classroom – синфхона, notice – board, and suitcase.

Different place or local relations are expressed in dockland, garden – party, sea – front. Comparison is the basis of blockhead, butter – fingers, floodlight, and goldfish. The material or elements the thing is made of is pointed out silver wear, tin – hat, clay – pipe. Temporal relations underlie such compounds as night – club, night – duty, summer – house and day – train. Sex – denoting compounds are rather numerous: she – dog, he – goat.

II. Main part

Chapter I

2.1.1 Specific features of English, Uzbek and German Compounds

A compound is a word composed of more than one free morpheme. English compounds may be classified in several ways, such as the word classes or the semantic relationship of their components.

Examples by word class

Modifier Head Compound
noun noun wall paper
adjective noun black board
verb noun break water
preposition noun under world
noun adjective snow white
adjective adjective blue – green
verb adjective tumbledown
preposition adjective over – ripe
noun verb browbeat
adjective verb highlight
verb verb freeze – dry
preposition verb undercut
noun preposition love – in
adjective preposition forth with
verb preposition take out
preposition preposition without

1) Since Uzbek is a mostly analytic language, unlike most other Germanic languages, it creates compounds by concatenating words without case markers. As in other Germanic languages, the compounds may be arbitrarily long. However, this is obscured by the fact that the written representation of long compounds always contains blanks.


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