Дипломная работа: Диахронический анализ грамматической омонимии прилагательных и наречий английского языка

LOUD Adverb

1 hlude, 2-4 lud(e, 3-4 loude, 4-7 lowd(e, 4 - loud

1.in a loud manner; loudly: Don’t talk so loud.


[Loud adj. + Ly2]

In a loud manner

1. In a loud tone or voice

2. Clamorously, noisily

3. With reference to dress: flashily, showily

QUICK Adjective

1-3 cwic, 3 cwicc, 4 kuic, kwik, 3-4 quic, 3-5 quick-, 4 quyc, 5 quyck, 5-6 quycke, 5-7 quicke, 5 - quick

1.done, proceeding, or occurring with promptness or rapidity: a quick response.

2.finished or completed in a short time: a quick shower.

3.moving or able to move with speed: a quick fox.

4.easily provoked or excited; hasty: a quick temper.

5.keenly responsive; lively; acute: a quick wit.

QUICK Adverb

Forms : see QUICK Adj.

1. quickly.

Usage. The difference between the adverbial forms QUICK and QUICKLY is frequently stylistic. QUICK is more often used in short spoken sentences, esp. imperative ones: Come quick! The roof is leaking. QUICKLY is the usual form in writing, both in the preverb position (We quickly realized that attempts to negotiate would be futile) and following verbs other than imperatives (She turned quickly and sat down). See also SLOW.


[Quick adj. + Ly2]

1.with speed; rapidly; very soon.

SHARP Adjective

1-2 scearp, 2-3 scaerp, 3 sc(h)erp, scarp, 3-4 sarp, 3-6 scharp, 4-6 sharppe, 4-7 sharpe, 5 sherpe, 5-6 scharpe, scharp, 6 sharpp, 3 - sharp

1.having a thin cutting edge or a fine point; well-adapted for cutting or piercing: a sharp knife.

2.terminating in an edge or point; not blunt or rounded: sharp corners.

3.involving an abrupt change in direction or course: a sharp curve in the road.

4.clearly defined; distinct: a sharp contrast.

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