Дипломная работа: Диахронический анализ грамматической омонимии прилагательных и наречий английского языка

[Straight adj. + Ly2]

1. In a straight manner; in a straight line, directly

2. Straightaway, immediately

WIDE Adjective

1-4 wid, 4-5 wyd, 4-6 wyde, 3 - wide

1.of great extent from side to side; broad: a wide street.

2.having a specified extent from side to side: three feet wide.

3.vast; spacious: the wide plains.

4.of great range or scope: a person of wide experience.

5.expanded; distended: to stare with wide eyes.

WIDE Adverb

1 wide, 3 weide, 3-4 wid, 4-6 wyde, 5 wyd

1. to the utmost, or fully: to be wide awake.

2. away from a point or mark; astray: The shot went wide.

3. over an extensive area: scattered far and wide.

4.to a great extent from side to side: The river runs wide here.


[Wide adj. + Ly2]

1.to a wide extent.

2.over a wide area: a widely distributed plant.

3.by or among a large number of persons: a widely known artist.

4.in many subjects: to be widely read.

5.greatly or very: widely differing accounts of the incident.


- LY1

1 -lic, 2-5 -lich, 4-5 -liche, 3-6 -li, 4 - -ly

Was added to nouns converting them into adjectives and imparting to them the sense of “having the qualities appropriate to”, “characteristic of”.

- LY2

1-2 -lice, 2-5 -liche, 4-5 -lich, 3-6 -li, 4 - -ly

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