Дипломная работа: Диахронический анализ грамматической омонимии прилагательных и наречий английского языка

a) 1,3 slaw, 1,4-6 slawe, 3,6 slau, 9 sla b) 2 - slow, 4-6 slowe, 3-4,7 slou, 6 slo; c) 3 slowg, 3-4 sloug, slouge, 5 slowg, 4 slough, 5 slowh

1.moving or proceeding with little or less than usual speed: a slow train.

2.characterized by lack of speed: a slow pace.

3.taking or requiring a comparatively long time.

4.gradual: slow growth.

5.mentally dull: a slow child.

SLOW Adverb

Also 6 slaw(e, slau [forms : see Slow adj.]

1. in a slow manner; slowly: Drive slow

Usage. As an adverb, SLOW has two forms, SLOW and SLOWLY, and both are standard today. SLOW is now used chiefly in imperative constructions with short verbs of motion (Drive slow. Don’t walk so slow.), more commonly in speech than in writing, though it occurs widely on traffic and road signs. SLOW also combines with present participles in forming adjectives: slow-burning; slow-moving. SLOWLY is by far the more common form of the adverb in writing. In both speech and writing it is the usual form following verbs that are not imperatives: He drove slowly down the street


a) 1 slawlice, 2 slawliche, 4-5,9 slawly, 6 slawlie; b) 4-5 slowliche, 5 -lich, 4-5 slowli, 5 slouly, 5-6 slowely, 7 slowlye, 6 - slowly

1. Noy quickly, rapidly or hastily

2. In a remiss or negligent manner

STRAIGHT Adjective

4 strayth, 4-5 streigt, 4-7 streght, 4-8 streight, 5 streith, streyght, 5-6 streghte, 5-8 streyght(e, 6 strayght(e, 4 - straight

1.without a bend, angle, wave, or curve: a straight path; straight hair.

2.exactly vertical or horizontal.

3.evenly or uprightly formed or set: straight shoulders.

4.direct in character; candid: straight talk.

5.honest; honorable; upright.


Forms : see Straight adj.

1. in a straight line: to walk straight.

2.in or into an even or proper condition or position: pictures hung straight; to put a room straight.

3.in an erect posture: Stand straight.

4.directly: Go straight home.

5.frankly; candidly (often fol. by out).

6.honestly; virtuously: to live straight.

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