Дипломная работа: Expressive means and stylistic Devices

Tonnalab paxta terib

Tursunay bo`lay deyman.

Yosh oybeklar, zamonamiz farxodlari, don kixotlar. Shunisi muximki, endi bu zo`larning ba`zilari kichik xarf bilan yoziladi. Umumiy tushunchani ifodalovchi avvaldan mavjud bo`lgan va qo`llanib keladigan tilningbu xususiati antonomasiaga xosdir.

We distinguish metaphoric antonomasia which is usually considered to be a cliché. Eg. What will Mrs. Grundy say, what is conventional; He is a regular Sherlock Holms, may be said about an observant person; Romeo and Juliet, yong people who love each other.

Here Uzbek examples. Sherlok Xolmsning o`zginasi sinkov kishi xaqida; Jiblajibon-mayda qadam tashlab, noz-qarashma qilib yuradigan nozik, xipcha ayol;

Oradan ych-to`rt kun o`tdi. Abdulla xech kim kutmagan gapni topib keldi. –Yangilikdan xabaring bormi, olqindi?-so`radi u omontoydan, -xali jiblojibon boru, ja-a, amali kattami deyman-da?

Stylistic Devices of Descriptive Character.

In order to understand the linguistic nature of the SDs of this group it is necessary to clear up some problems, so far untouched, of definition can point out only one or two properties of a phenomenon. Therefore in building up a definition the definer tries to single out the most essential features of the object. These are pinned down by the definer through a long period of observation of the object. its functioning, its growth and its changes.

However, no definition can comprise all the inner qualities of the object and new combinations of it with other objects as well; a deeper penetration into the ontology of the object will always reveal some hither to unknown qualities and features. In the fourth group of stylistic devices, which we now come to, we find they one of the qualities of the object in question is made to sound essential.

Simile. Things are best of all learned by simile

V.G. Belinsky.

Simile reveals the most essential features of an object or person and draws a comparison between two different things.

Such formal elements as; like, as, such as, as if, seem etc. introduce similes and comparison. We must not confuse ordinary comparison and simile as a SD. Comparison implies estimation of two objects which belong to one class of object. Its purpose is to show the features which bring these objects together; if he is like his mother he must be a good-looking boy.

1. Stylistics. I.R.Galperin.M “H.S.”. 1977.

Two human being are compared. Eshik ochilib, shop mo`ylov, go`shtdor yuzidan zaxar tomchilagan Mocholov bilan birga, uning kabi pochonli, yarog`-aslaxali ikki tora zinada qaqqaydi.

The nature of simile is to compare two (or several) objects which belong to different class of things. Simile finds one or several features which are common to the objects compared: The sun was as red as ripe new blood. (J. Steinbek). Men seni olganimda, oftobda qurigan turshakdek butishgan, qop-qora eding. Endi to`lishib, tuxumdek silliq tortib ketding …, dedi Jamoliddin Nuriga.

Different features may b

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