Дипломная работа: Grammar Games - Motivation in Teaching English


Card: I raised my children in Ohio.

Student response: bring up

I brought my children up in Ohio.

Sample cards:


I raised my children in Ohio. bring up
I met John by chance at the mall. run into
Tell Jill to return my call. call back
Please be sure to arrive for the test at exactly 8:00. show up


Materials: 3" x 5" cards

Time: Pairs/Small groups

Time: 20 minutes

Procedure: Write one verb on each card. Choose some verbs that can also be phrasal verbs with up.

Examples: ask (can't be used with up)

check (can be used with up)

cross (can't be used with up)

get (can be used with up)

2. Divide the class into pairs or groups of three or four. Give each group a stack of verb cards.

3. Tell the students to divide the cards into two piles: verbs with up/verbs without up.

4. When all the up verbs are found, have the students take turns explaining the meaning of each phrasal verb to the other students in the group.

Variation: Make three identical sets of vocabulary cards. Divide the class into three teams. Tell the students to find the up verbs. The team that finds the most up verbs wins. Each correct up verb is worth one point. For each incorrect up verb, subtract one point from the total score. Use the same procedure for any phrasal verb pattern (for example, out, away, through, etc.).


Materials: None

Dynamic: Pairs

Time: 30 minutes

Procedure: 1. Divide the class into pairs. Tell the pairs to write down eight phrasal verbs and their meanings that they think the rest of the class will not know.

2. After they are finished, join two pairs and have the first pair challenge the other pair. Each pair takes turns reading the phrasal verbs from their list and having their opponents state the meaning of each phrasal verb and use it in a sentence.

3. If the opponents answer correctly, they get a point. The pair with the most points wins.

4. For homework, have the students use the phrasal verbs that they missed in correct sentences.


Materials: 3" x 5" cards, writing paper

К-во Просмотров: 586
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