Дипломная работа: Grammar Games - Motivation in Teaching English
2. The students circulate and try to find the missing half of their superstition. When students feel they have a match, they sit down. You will probably have to check student matches and advise them to sit down or find a different match. (In case you are unfamiliar with some of the superstitions in the worksheet, the //-clause on the left matches the result clause directly across from it.)
3. Go over the superstitions together, talking about meaning and form.
Materials: 3" x 5" cards, or paper cut into strips at least 2" x 4"
Dynamic: Groups
Time: 15 minutes
Procedure: 1. Follow steps 1 and 2 for Superstitions.
2. Have the students write their superstitions on the cards or paper strips so that one half of the superstition is on one card and the other half is on a different card. (Each group should produce only half as many superstitions as there are members in their group, so that a group of four students will write two superstitions, a total of four cards. In step 2 of Activity 1, students may have generated many superstitions, so instruct them to choose the ones they like best.)
3. Collect and shuffle the cards. Hand one card to each student. Students circulate and try to find their match. (The student who wrote the superstition will have to be the judge of whether or not the match is good because you will probably be unfamiliar with several of the superstitions.)
4. As a class, go over the superstitions and check (as a group) to see if the correct grammar forms were used.
Materials: Worksheet 2.2[11]
Dynamic: Whole class
Time: 10 minutes
Procedure: 1. Cut up the cards in the worksheet or prepare your own. Distribute one to each student, who must construct a sentence that uses the true conditional form.
Example: Add lemon to milk
Example fact (by student): If you add lemon to milk, it curdles.
2. Arrange students in a circle, and have each say his/her sentence.
Variation: To avoid students' losing interest, do step 2 as a memory round. Each student says his/her sentence and repeats all those that came before his/hers.
Materials: None
Dynamic: Small groups
Time: 10 minutes
Procedure: 1. Divide the class into groups of three or four. Assign each group an experiment.
Suggested experiments: putting a spoon in the microwave mixing blue and yellow paint boiling eggs in water with onion skins touching your tongue to a frozen surface shaving your eyebrows frowning all the time
2. The students discuss what they think the result will be, Then each group reports to the class, using some conditional sentences.
(If you intend to have the students act out the experiments in class or for homework, obviously there are some in the list above you would not want to assign.)
NOTE: Because the results of these experiments can be perceived as
a habitual result or as a predictable fact, either the present or the future can be used in the result clause.