Дипломная работа: Grammar Games - Motivation in Teaching English

7. In their new groups, the students take turns interviewing each group member. The yellows ask their questions first and record the data, then greens, then blues, etc. Everyone asks everyone else in the group his/her questions.

8. The students reform their original same-color groups, summarize their findings, and present them to the entire class. If time permits, have the groups prepare a visual on newsprint in the form of a pie chart, a graph, a list of statistics, or another type of visual. The posters can be part of the presentation and later be put up around the board.

NOTE: To save time, write out the duplicate cards yourself on colored index cards or copy one set of questions on different-colored paper. This will take the place of step 5. Collect the cards and reuse them in later classes.

SUGGESTION: This activity works well with preposition combinations instead of phrasal verbs.


Best Friends:

What do you look for in a best friend?

Is your best friend patient with you?

Do you ever hide anything from your best friend?

Do you ever argue with your best friend?


Are you content with your job?

Do you look forward to going to work?

Do you forget about your job when you leave at the end of the day?

Does your boss ever take advantage of you by having you do extra work?

2.2.2 Conditionals and Wishes



Materials: None

Dynamic: Small groups

Time: 15 minutes

Procedure: 1. Write a few superstitions on the board. Here are some examples. If a black cat crosses your path, you'll have bad luck. If your palm itches, you're going to receive money. If you break a mirror, you'll have seven years bad luck. If you step on a crack, you'll break your mother's back.

Look at the verb forms in the if-clause and result clause together. Ask students to generate a rule (if this is an introduction) or review the rule (if you have already introduced this form).

2. Break students into small groups and have them discuss superstitions from their countries. They should list three or four to share with the rest of the class.

3. As a whole group, share the superstitions and discuss which are universal and which seem to exist only in one or two cultures. Students often have similar superstitions in their countries and like to share them, and it is interesting to compare slight variations.

4. For further review of forms, you may want to write several of the students' superstitions on the board and analyze them (Were they written correctly?).


Materials: Worksheet 2.1[10]

Dynamic: Whole class

Time: 15 minutes

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