Дипломная работа: Grammar Games - Motivation in Teaching English

Time: 40 minutes

Procedure: 1. Divide the class into groups of three, and give each group five 3"x 5" cards.

2. Each group writes down a different phrasal verb on each of their index cards. You may want to let them use the lists in their books. Have them write the definition of each phrasal verb on the back.

3. Have the groups quiz each other as to meaning by showing only the front of the card to another group.

4. Next, each group makes a sentence orally for each phrasal verb. Rotate the cards again until each group has seen every card and can make a logical sentence. Monitor the groups during this phase.

5. When the students have a good grasp of the definitions, return their original phrasal verb cards to them. Each group now writes a paragraph using all of their phrasal verbs.

6. When the students have finished, rotate their papers clockwise and the 3"x 5" cards counterclockwise. (Each group will have another group's story and a new set of cards.)

7. Each group reads the paragraph and adds a second paragraph, using their new group of phrasal-verb cards.

8. Have them repeat steps 6 and 7. Each group should now have a three-paragraph story.

9. Return the original story to each group. Tell the students to look it over and make any changes they think are necessary. Have one student from each group read the story to the class. Collect the stories for a final teacher correction.


Materials: 3" x 5" cards in four different colors list of difficult phrasal verbs sheets of newsprint and markers (optional)

Dynamic: Groups

Time: 40 minutes

Procedure: 1. Choose four themes and for each theme make up a set of questions, using the phrasal verbs that you want to practice. (You may want to have the students compile a list.)

Examples: Family:

Do you take after your father or your mother?

Did you grow up in a large family or a small family?

Do you get along well with your brothers and sisters?

Are you named after anyone in your family?


Do you go over your notes after class?

Do you try to get out of doing your homework?

Do you ever have trouble keeping up with the assignments?

What is an important grammar point that you have to look out for?

2. Write one set of questions on one yellow card, one set of questions on one green card, etc.

3. Divide the class into groups. (Four groups of four works well, but five groups of five or three groups of three also works. Put extra students into existing groups to work as pairs.)

4. Tell the students that they are going to do some investigation into the society of the classroom by doing a survey. Give each group a set of same-color cards and a theme: The Yellow Group—Family; The Green Group—Friends, etc. Give the question card to the group leader and a blank card to each of the other members.

5. The group members copy the questions from the group leader's card on their own cards so that each has a card with the same questions. They may add questions of their own if they wish or if there is extra time. Any additional questions must include a phrasal verb.

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