Дипломная работа: Syntagmatic and paradigmatic peculiarities of adverbs in English

1) adverbs of high degree. These adverbs are sometimes classed as "intensifiers": very, quite, entirely, utterly, highly, greatly, perfectly, absolutely, strongly, considerably, pretty, much;

2) adverbs of excessive degree (direct and reverse) also belonging to the broader subclass of intensifiers: too, awfully, tremendously, dreadfully, terrifically;

3) adverbs of unexpected degree: surprisingly, astonishingly, amazingly;

4) adverbs of moderate degree: fairly, comparatively, relatively, moderately, rather;

5) adverbs of low degree: slightly, a little, a bit;

6) adverbs of approximate degree: almost, nearly;

7) adverbs of optimal degree: enough, sufficiently, adequately;

8) adverbs of inadequate degree: insufficiently, intolerably, unbearably, ridiculously;

9) adverbs of under-degree: hardly, scarcely.

Many adverbs of degree are restricted to a small set of lexical items, e.g. deeply anxious, highly intelligent, strikingly handsome, sharply critical.

Some degree adverbs tend to be distinguished in terms of positive and negative attitude. Fairly, quite, entirely suggest a positive meaning:

I’m fairly certain I can do the job [38].

He plays quite well [38].

I entirely agree with you [41].

Rather, completely, utterly suggest a negative meaning:

The instructions were rather complicated [40].

The explosion completely destroyed the building [40].

She utterly failed to convince them [41].

The combinability of quantitative adverbs is more extensive than that of qualitative adverbs. Besides verbs and statives, quantitative adverbs modify adjectives, adverbs, indefinite pronouns, numerals, modals, and even nouns:

I quite like opera [41].

He had become fully aware of her [41].

Rather disconsolate she wandered out into the cathedral [38].

She knew it only too well [38].

Very probably he won’t budge [40].

Nearly everybody came to our party [40].

It was nearly ten [40].

He is wholly master of the situation [38].

The combinability of some adverbs of this class can be rather narrow. The adverb very (frightfully, awfully, etc.), for instance, mostly precedes those adjectives and adverbs which have opposites of comparison. It does not, as a rule, modify verbs or numerals. The combinability of nearly or almost, on the other hand, is so extensive, that these words are close to particles.

According to M. Y. Blokh, the degree adverbs, though usually described under the heading of "quantitative", in reality constitute a specific variety of qualitative words, or rather some sort of intermediate qualitative-quantitative words, in so far as they are used as quality evaluators [13, 224]. In this function they are distinctly different from genuine quantitative adverbs which are directly related to numerals and thereby form sets of words of pronominal order. Such are numerical-pronominal adverbs like twice, thrice, four times, etc.; twofold, threefold, many fold, etc. Thus, the first general subclass of adverbs is formed by qualitative adverbs which are subdivided into qualitative adverbs of full notional value and degree adverbs — specific functional words.

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