Дипломная работа: Syntagmatic and paradigmatic peculiarities of adverbs in English
Fameis often simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time
I just can't understand it[36, 60].
You haven't done it well at all [38].
2) amplifiers (expressing a high degree): absolutely, altogether, badly, bitterly, completely, deeply, downright, entirely, extremely, (by) far, fully, greatly, heartily, much, perfectly, pointblank, quite, terribly, thoroughly, utterly, very, etc.:
Each panel member should ensure that he or she thoroughly tests the case presented for project approval [40].
Artists are terribly difficult people for us ordinary mortals to deal with [40].
Because of the language barrier and culture shock, such insights are far too rare[41].
I told Fred pointblank that he had made a mistake [41].
He said the diesel costs £16,600, which is downright preposterous [38].
Local residents are deeply concerned about the threat to health posed by the power station [38].
For many years, the benefits of the expensive system greatly outweighed the disadvantages [40].
3) downtoners (lowering the effect): a bit, almost, barely, enough, hardly, kind of, (a) little, moderately, more or less, nearly, partly, quite, rather, scarcely, slightly, somewhat, sort of, sufficiently, etc.:
We took a slightly more direct root [38].
He was only partly responsible for the accident [38].
I kind of disapprove of such methods [40].
I think you'rea bit too young to be watching this[36, 62].
Almost nothing was done to improve the situation[40].
6. Focusing adverbs drawattention to the most important part of utterance. They can be of two kinds:
1) restrictive: alone, exactly, just, merely, only, precisely, purely, simply, especially, etc.:
Some students lose marks simply because they don't read the question properly [41].
It's important to write these goals down, rather than merely think about them [41].
2) additive: again, also, either, equally, even, too, etc.
She stayed and nursed him back to health again [38].
You must have a good education, but practical training is equally important[38].
7. Viewpoint adverbs are used to make clear what viewpoint the speaker is speaking from; that is, identifying what features of something are being talked about ( economically, morally, politically, scientifically, weather-wise, financially, ideologically, industrially, environmentally, logically, medically, outwardly, technically, visually, etc.):
Financially, the accident has been a disaster for the owners of the tunnel [21, 156].
Geographically and linguistically, these islands are closer to the mainland than to the neighboring islands [21, 156].
Economically, the project is bound to fail [40].