Дипломная работа: Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

Primitive nonlinear quasi-harmonic triple-wave patterns in a thin-walled cylindrical shell are investigated. This task is focused on the resonant properties of the system. The main idea is to trace the propagation of a quasi-harmonic signal — is the wave stable or not? The stability prediction is based on the iterative mathematical procedures. First, the lowest-order nonlinear approximation model is derived and tested. If the wave is unstable against small perturbations within this approximation, then the corresponding instability mechanism is fixed and classified. Otherwise, the higher-order iterations are continued up to obtaining some definite result.

The theory of thin-walled shells based on the Kirhhoff-Love hypotheses is used to obtain equations governing nonlinear oscillations in a shell. Then these equations are reduced to simplified mathematical models in the form of modulation equations describing nonlinear coupling between quasi-harmonic modes. Physically, the propagation velocity of any mechanical signal should not exceed the characteristic wave velocity inherent in the material of the plate. This restriction allows one to define three main types of elemental resonant ensembles — the triads of quasi-harmonic modes of the following kinds:

(i)high-frequency longitudinal and two low-frequency bending waves (Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell-type triads);

(ii)high-frequency shear and two low-frequency bending waves (Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell);

(iii)high-frequency bending, low-frequency bending and shear waves (Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell);

(iv)high-frequency bending and two low-frequency bending waves (Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell).

Here subscripts identify the type of modes, namely (Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell) — longitudinal, (Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell) — bending, and (Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell) — shear mode. The first one stands for the primary unstable high-frequency mode, the other two subscripts denote secondary low-frequency modes.

Triads of the first three kinds (i — iii) can be observed in a flat plate (as the curvature of the shell goes to zero), while the Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell-type triads are inherent in cylindrical shells only.

Notice that the known Karman-type dynamical governing equations can describe the Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell-type triple-wave coupling only. The other triple-wave resonant ensembles, Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell and Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, which refer to the nonlinear coupling between high-frequency shear (longitudinal) mode and low-frequency bending modes, cannot be described by this model.

Quasi-harmonic bending waves, whose group velocities do not exceed the typical propagation velocity of shear waves, are stable against small perturbations within the lowest-order nonlinear approximation analysis. However amplitude envelopes of these waves can be unstable with respect to small long-wave perturbations in the next approximation. Generally, such instability is associated with the degenerated four-wave resonant interactions. In the present paper the second-order approximation effects is reduced to consideration of the self-action phenomenon only. The corresponding mathematical model in the form of Zakharov-type equations is proposed to describe such high-order nonlinear wave patterns.

Governing equations

We consider a deformed state of a thin-walled cylindrical shell of the length Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, thickness Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, radius Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, in the frame of references Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell. The Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell-coordinate belongs to a line beginning at the center of curvature, and passing perpendicularly to the median surface of the shell, while Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell and Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell are in-plane coordinates on this surface (Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell). Since the cylindrical shell is an axisymmetric elastic structure, it is convenient to pass from the actual frame of references to the cylindrical coordinates, i.e. Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, where Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell and Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell. Let the vector of displacements of a material point lying on the median surface be Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell. Here Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell and Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell stand for the longitudinal, circumferential and transversal components of displacements along the coordinates Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell and Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, respectively, at the time Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell. Then the spatial distribution of displacements reads

Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

accordingly to the geometrical paradigm of the Kirhhoff-Love hypotheses. From the viewpoint of further mathematical rearrangements it is convenient to pass from the physical sought variables Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell to the corresponding dimensionless displacements Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell. Let the radius and the length of the shell be comparable values, i.e. Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell, while the displacements be small enough, i.e. Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell. Then the components of the deformation tensor can be written in the form

Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

where Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell is the small parameter; Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell; Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell and Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell. The expression for the spatial density of the potential energy of the shell can be obtained using standard stress-straight relationships accordingly to the dynamical part of the Kirhhoff-Love hypotheses:

Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

where Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell is the Young modulus; Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell denotes the Poisson ratio; Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell (the primes indicating the dimensionless variables have been omitted). Neglecting the cross-section inertia of the shell, the density of kinetic energy reads

Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

where Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell is the dimensionless time; Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell is typical propagation velocity.

Let the Lagrangian of the system be Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell.

By using the variational procedures of mechanics, one can obtain the following equations governing the nonlinear vibrations of the cylindrical shell (the Donnell model):

(1)Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

(2)Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

Equations (1) and (2) are supplemented by the periodicity conditions

Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

Dispersion of linear waves

At Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell the linear subset of eqs.(1)-(2) describes a superposition of harmonic waves

(3)Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell

Here Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell is the vector of complex-valued wave amplitudes of the longitudinal, circumferential and bending component, respectively; Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell is the phase, where Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell are the natural frequencies depending upon two integer numbers, namely Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell (number of half-waves in the longitudinal direction) and Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell (number of waves in the circumferential direction). The dispersion relation defining this dependence Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell has the form

(4)Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell


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