Дипломная работа: Triple-wave ensembles in a thin cylindrical shell
Relation (19) cannot provide information related to the modulation instability of quasi-harmonic waves. To obtain this, one should slightly modify the ansatz (17):
where and denote the long-wave slowly varying fields being the functions of arguments and (these turn in constants in the linear theory); is the amplitude of the bending wave; , and are small nonresonant corrections. By substituting the expression (20) into the governing equations (1)-(2), one obtains, after some rearranging, the following modulation equations
where is the group velocity, and . Notice that eqs.(21) have a form of Zakharov-type equations.
Consider the stationary quasi-harmonic bending wave packets. Let the propagation velocity be , then eqs.(21) can be reduced to the nonlinear Schrцdinger equation
where the nonlinearity coefficient is equal to
while the non-oscillatory in-plane wave fields are defined by the following relations
The theory of modulated waves predicts that the amplitude envelope of a wavetrain governed by eq.(22) will be unstable one provided the following Lighthill criterion
is satisfied.
Envelope solitons
The experiments described in the paper [7] arise from an effort to uncover wave systems in solids which exhibit soliton behavior. The thin open-ended nickel cylindrical shell, having the dimensions cm, cm and cm, was made by an electroplating process. An acoustic beam generated by a horn driver was aimed at the shell. The elastic waves generated were flexural waves which propagated in the axial, , and circumferential, , direction. Let and , respectively, be the eigen numbers of the mode. The modes in which is always one and ranges from 6 to 32 were investigated. The only modes which we failed to excite (for unknown reasons) were = 9,10,19. A flexural wave pulse was generated by blasting the shell with an acoustic wave train typically 15 waves long. At any given frequency the displacement would be given by a standing wave component and a traveling wave component. If the pickup transducer is placed at a node in the standing wave its response will be limited to the traveling wave whose amplitude is constant as it propagates.
The wave pulse at frequency of 1120 Hz was generated. The measured speed of the clockwise pulse was 23 m/s and that of the counter-clockwise pulse was 26 m/s, which are consistent with the value calculated from the dispersion curve (6) within ten percents. The experimentally observed bending wavetrains were best fitting plots of the theoretical hyperbolic functions, which characterizes the envelope solitons. The drop in amplitude, in 105/69 times, was believed due to attenuation of the wave. The shape was independent of the initial shape of the input pulse envelope.
The agreement between the experimental data and the theoretical curve is excellent. Figure 7 displays the dependence of the nonlinearity coefficient and eigen frequencies versus the wave number of the cylindrical shell with the same geometrical dimensions as in the work [7]. Evidently, the envelope solitons in the shell should arise accordingly to the Lighthill criterion (23) in the range of wave numbers =6,7,..,32, as .
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