Контрольная работа: British Monarchy
2. Who were the Druids?
The ancient Celtic priests and teachers, religious leaders, before Christianity.
3. What is Hadrian's Wall?
A stone wall which the Roman Emperor Hadrian ordered to be built across the north of England in 122 AD from the east coast to the west, in order to defend Roman Britain from attack by northern tribes. Every 15 miles – fort. In Northumberland.
4. What do the words "Danelaw" and "Danegeld" stand for?
Area conquered by the Danes, money (ransom) paid to the invaders.
5. What do you know about the battle of Hastings?
14 Oct 1066, the Norman King William the Conqueror defeated the army of the English King Harold.
6. Trace the history of religious on the British Isles up to the final conversion to Christianity.
Druids, paganism, –> pagan Romans, eradicated druids, –> 391 Theodosius ordered the closure of all pagan temples, –> 597 Pope Gregory sent mission to convert Anglo-Saxons, St. Augustine – missionary; monasteries, churches, by 8th century Christianized.
7. What changes did the Romans bring to Britain?
Introduction of towns, baths in each, aqueducts, drainage, sewage, walls against invasions, armed camps, villas, introduces some vegetables and fruits.
8. When was England part of a Scandinavian Empire? The Angevin Empire?
11th cent. 1154 - end of the 14th century.
9. Comment on the origin of names like Gloucester, Worcester, Essex, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
Gloucester, Worcester – “castra” meaning the armed camp (lat.), Essex – east Saxons, Thursday – Vikings’ strongest god of thunder Thor, Friday – Freya’s day.
10. Which languages of Britain are of Celtic origin?
Gaelic, Erse (Scottish and Irish), Welsh, Irish.
11. What historical significance does the Bayeux Tapestry have?
A tapestry (large piece of heavy woven cloth) 70m long, made in Bayeux (France) in 11th -12th centuries, whose pictures tell the story of the Norman Conquest.
12. When was Westminster Abbey built? Rebuilt?
11th century, 13th century.
13. In what document is the story of the Viking invasion told?
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
14. What is Witenagemot?
The council of the nobility and top clergy in 10th century.
15. What was the capital of Anglo-Saxon and early Norman England?
16. How was the royal household expected to be financed in the medieval times? When did this practice end?