Контрольная работа: British Monarchy
62. When was the Civil List first introduced?
In William of Orange’s reign, 1698. The Parliament started giving money for keeping king’s household, so that he couldn’t dissolve it.
63. Who are the Hanovers?
After the Queen Ann’s death there was a change of dynasty, because she didn’t have children. George I was from German, but James I’s remote relative.
64. How and when did the office of the Prime Minister originate? What did the office imply? Who was the first PM?
1720’s. The first PM was Robert Walpole, he became the King’s representative in the HC.
65. What were the main periods of the reign of George III?
The first period 1760-1789, believed in an absolute monarchy, was an idealistic politician. When the colonies in America got independence, the Whigs returned to power. Also after the French Revolution, England felt that it was a great threat. After the War with Napoleon, the victory, he got national respect. The monarchy began to change.
66. Who are the Black Prince, Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Prince of Wales?
The Black Prince was the Prince of Wales, during the Hundred Years War he defeated the French. Bonnie Prince Charlie – the grandson of James II, believed to have the right to be the king instead of George II. The Prince of Wales is the eldest son of the King / Queen, started when Wales joined England in Edward I‘s reign.
67. What period is called "the rule of the elite"? How did the political system work? When and why did it end?
The period of Whigs’ ruling, during the reign of George I and II, the country was effectively controlled by the ministers (Robert Walpole – the head). It ended with the accession of George III (who was brought up in England); he subjugated the Parliament.
68. What event is called "the Boston Tea Party"?
A protest in Boston in 1773 against the British tax on tea, when tea was thrown from the ship into the water in the Boston Harbour. This is considered to be the event that started the American Revolutionary War.
69. What period is referred to as Regency? Why was it necessary?
The period 1811-1820 when the country was ruled by the Prince Regent (George IV), because the King himself was mentally ill.
70. When was the first British Empire created? When did it end?
Created after the victory in the War for the Spanish Succession. It ended in 1783 when the colonies in America became independent.
71. Who is William Pitt the Younger? What role did he play?
He was the head of the fraction of the Whig Party, George III preferred him, became the PM – great stability, support of both King and the Parliament.
72. Who were the heroes of the wars against Napoleon?
Horatio Nelson defeated Napoleon several times, the battle of Trafalgar, he was fatally wounded; Duke of Wellington, defeated Napoleon in the battle of Waterloo in 1815.
73. How did the expression "to meet one's Waterloo" originate?
Napoleon was finally defeated in the battle of Waterloo in 1815.
74. The changes in the nature of monarchy and the ruling elite in the early 19th century.
The Monarchy became the symbol of the nation’s unity. After the war with Napoleon. Great proud. The ruling elite underwent great change. People deserving respect – not only birth and property, but industry and morality. A view that wealth and rank meant duty, private morality. Political power based on birth and property.
75. What is the Great Reform Bill? Why was it necessary and what were its main provisions?
It was a bill which gave a voting right to more social groups and big cities were now represented in the Parliament. Necessary – because industrial cities emerged and they had no representatives.
76. What were the main features of Victorian society and government?