Контрольная работа: British Monarchy

77. The extension of franchise after the Great Reform Act of 1832, its consequences.

Every 5th received a vote. Redistribution of seats. Now big cities were represented, property qualification for candidates. Social consequence – tied the middle class to the aristocrats.

78. What was the role of Prince Albert in British history?

He was the Prince-Consort, was not fit for business, but had good influence on the young queen. He was interested in arts, music, science and industry, planned and organized the Great Exhibition in 1851. Many buildings are named after him.

79. What were the two main parties in the Victorian age and who were their most prominent leaders?

Tory –> Conservatives (Disraeli), Whigs –> Liberal (Gladstone). They alternated.

80. When did government social policy originate? What areas did it cover?

Social reforms in Victorian reign – public health, education for all children, state undertook the duty to provide schools, school attendance became compulsory, elementary education free.

81. What is the Boer War?

The war in South Africa against 2 Boer republics (Transvaal and Orange Free State), made them a part of the British Empire. Huge loss of life, Britain became unpopular in Europe.

82. What period do we call Edwardian? What were its distinctive features?

The reign of Edward VII. Society became cosmopolitan, new wealth was added to the old wealth of great landowning families (from Victorian time). Appearance of the Labour Party, social reforms. Crisis, suffragette movement. Poverty and unemployment. Irish question.

83. What do you know about the People's Budget?

Was introduced by David Lloyd George. It was designed to pay the costs of social welfare and naval rearmament. But the Lords rejected the project in 1909.

84. What were the effects of WWI on British society?

Had very important consequences, affected everyone, traumatized the whole generation, nothing was the same after it. It had provided the occasion for massive governmental experiments in economic enterprise, in insurance. It was the impulse for social and economical change. Rising unemployment. Rise of Labour Party and decline of Liberals. Very extensive program of social reforms – Liberals failed to respond.

85. The rise and fall of the Second British Empire.

1850 the 2nd British Empire, India added, exceeded the 1st. During the period from 1940 to 1980 years more than 40 British colonies became independent. Remained friendly with Britain, most of them –> the Commonwealth.

86. When did government economic policy begin?

After the WWI, the Government started defending the home market by introducing protectionist tariffs.

87. When did the Labour party emerge? How did it later change the party system? The changes in the Labour programme at the end of the 20th century, their main cause.

Emerged in 1906. In 1920’s rose and replaced the Liberal Party. Was traditionally the socialist party, but in 1980-90’s changed and move towards the political center (New Labour).

88. What were the main effects of WWII?

The economy declined, there was nothing to export, no money for import. Britain was effectively a totalitarian state, the Government had unlimited power, rationing introduced, luxuries had 100% tax on them, everyone of fighting age was conscripted, servants disappeared. Defeat of Conservatives and victory of the Labour Party.

89. What role did Mrs. Simpson, a divorced American, play in English history?

Wallis Simpson, had a relationship with Edward VIII. Because she had already been married twice before, Edward was not allowed to marry her. Then he decided to abdicate, she became the Duchess of Windsor.

90. What is a Welfare state? When was it created? What does the term "Welfare" mean today?

State with a system of social help provided by the state, giving money to people who are poor or unemployed, providing medical care. 1945-51. The department of social security.

91. What is meant by the "era of consensus"?

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