Контрольная работа: British Monarchy

47. What event is commonly referred to as Regicide? How popular and lawful was it?

The execution of Charles I. People considered this to be a horrible event because they believed him to be lord-anointed. He was convicted not by the court of law but by a legislative assembly.

48. Under what circumstances was it possible for English kings to rule without Parliament? What kings did it? When was this finally stopped?

James I got rid of the Parliament. Charles I also. When Charles I had to summon the Parliament because he needed money badly (Scotts invaded the country and demanded money, to prevent from active war) – summoned the Long Parliament. It started passing laws – no dissolution of the Parliament without its consent, no type of taxation without its consent, king able to summon the Parliament when wanted, but at least in 3 years.

49. What events took place in England between 1642 and 1649?

In 1642 the King went to the North to assemble the army to fight with the Parliament. Nobody wanted the war but the chance for compromise was lost, Charles refused to abolish the royal prerogatives, so the war was inevitable. The Parliament created the “New Model Army” which defeated the Royal Army. Charles was captured but fled to the Isle of Wight, then arrested, put on trial, executed (1649).

50. What period is called the Personal Rule? How did it end?

1629-1640, Charles I, had problems with money, wanted to avoid wars, to raise money by royal prerogatives, granted new monopolies, remembered old taxes, conflicted with the Parliament and finally he didn’t summon. Peace with France and Spain, commercial prosperity. Ended with 2 civil wars and execution.

51. Who are Cavaliers and Roundheads?

Cavaliers were the people, mostly nobility, who supported the King during the English Civil War. Roundheads, mostly puritans, gentry, – supported the Parliament.

52. What do you know about Inigo Jones?

A British architect, who was the partner of Charles I (who was the patron of arts). Designed many important buildings, esp. in London. He was the first person to introduce the Italian Palladian style. Also designed scenery for the theatre.

53. Why are the events of 1642 - 1649 sometimes referred to as the Puritan revolution? What were its results?

Because the Parliament consisted mainly of puritans. They criticized the C of E, were persecuted for this, they wanted to get rid of all remains of Catholicism. Results – extreme puritans did away with the C of E and set new political system, the Republic.

54. What period in English history do we call the Protectorate?

The period after Oliver Cromwell dissolved the Parliament and proclaimed the Protectorate, assuming the title of Lord-Protector. 5 years (1653-1658). Then his son Richard, till 1659.

55. When and between what countries was the War for the Spanish Succession fought? What were its results?

In 1701-1713, England (+ Holland), France and Spain – for the Spanish throne after the Spanish King’ death. England won, got Minorca, Gibraltar, Newfoundland. French expansion stopped.

56. Why are the events of 1689 called either the Glorious or the Unexpected revolution? What were the consequences?

James II conflicted with the Parliament, the 2 parties decided to remove James and invite his daughter with her husband William of Orange. James fled to France, people didn’t object. No blood, no opposition, no battles. Absolutism in England came to its end, England became limited monarchy.

57. What does the term "Restoration" stand for?

No parliament, no stability, and at last the royalists invited Charles II (Charles I’s son) to become the King in 1660.

58. What role did the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough play in English history?

John Churchill for his victories in the War for the Spanish Succession (the battle of Blenheim) got the title of Duke of Marlborough, was granted the land. His wife Sarah Jennings was the Queen’s favourite.

59. Who are the Dissenters?

Members of one of the protestant groups that separated from the C of E, refused to accept the doctrine of the established church.

60. When did the party system emerge? What were the first parties, how did the system change with years?

1670’s. first there were two parties – Tory (court party that supported the King) and Whigs (who supported the Parliament – country / gentry, wanted reforms).

61. When did the King become king-in-Parliament? What did it mean?

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